About us
What do we stand for?
At In Touch, we believe that the world will be a better place for everyone if women have more influence on the world.
We use more than 25 years of personal and professional experience to put more women in charge.
What do we do?
We give career workshops, trainings, keynote lecture, executive coaching and we write articles and management books.
We also have our own online career academy.
How we can help you?
We help individuals to develop and use leadership skills strategically, share the unwritten rules in business with them and make sure they get more impact and influence on their career and on the world.
We introduce gender diversity as a business issue in companies and organisations. We help them to become truly inclusive organisations that value both feminine and masculine working styles. We help organisations to have a happier labour force and a higher rate of job satisfaction for both men and women.
Proven Track record
In Touch Female Leadership & Career Academy was founded by Monic Bührs en Elisa de Groot 25 years ago. We started as an executive search company and since 2002 the focus moved to training and coaching of ambitious women. Due to these many years of experience In Touch is now known as the expert to make women visible, keep women on board and develop female talent. Besides that all partners are frequently asked international speakers at worldwide events.
The senior partners are also authors of several bestsellers like ‘Stratego for women’, ‘The unwritten rules to boast your career’, ‘Onderhandelen voor vrouwen’, ‘Sterke mannen Slimme vrouwen’, ‘Vrouwen bluffen niet’ en ‘Stratego voor vrouwen’.
Why In Touch
- Knowing the unwritten rules in business
- More visibility and strategy
- Fun playing business politics
- Demonstrated impact
- Practical and immediately applicable
Senior partners

About Elisa
Elisa de Groot has a lot of experience in human resources and change management. She has over 25 years of experience in empowering women, female talent development and gender diversity and inclusion. She is author of several successful management books like the eversellers ‘Stratego for women’ and ‘The unwritten rules in business’. Elisa is an inspirational facilitator and keynote speaker and she is admired for her ability to interact with her audience and her humor.

About Mira
Mira Vasic obtained her PhD as a structural engineer in Milan. She worked as a passionate lecturer at several universities all over the world and, among others, she was a senior advisor and researcher at TNO. Mira has a passion for leadership development and empowering women. Together with her experience as an expat she will mainly focus on expanding our services to the international and expat market.

About Monic
Monic Bührs pursued her studies in the fields of electric engineering, marketing and business administration. After several management positions she co-founded In Touch women resource management in 1997. Her company is specialized in female careers. She develops various leadership programs for companies to keep female talent on board. She also trains and coaches women in their careers. Monic Bührs is also co-author of several management books. The book ‘Stratego for women’ was nominated management book of the year. Monic is a frequently asked national and international speaker. Her value is her down to earth approach and her great sense of humor.

About Lisa
Lisa van Blaricum has a background as a sustainability expert in the financial sector, where she has held both substantive and executive roles. Lisa now boasts years of experience in leading large, complex teams with highly educated members. Her heart beats faster when she can assist (young) ambitious women in taking leadership positions within an organization. Lisa is people-oriented, yet a true pioneer who is not afraid of challenges. She loves to challenge existing norms, thereby empowering others to overcome obstacles.

About Aleksandra
MSc. Aleksandra Majkic grew up in high-tech, bridging the gap between development teams, markets, customers, and decision-makers in a global market. Aleksandra is a trainer and an author for international learning platforms covering the topics of team leadership, effective communication, and employing women’s strengths in negotiations. She is passionate about female leadership, women empowerment, equity, inclusion and working towards balancing the gender gap, especially in high-tech and STEM disciplines.
- a.s.r. verzekeringen
- Accenture
- Achmea
- Aegon
- Ahold
- Airbus Defence & Space
- American Express
- APM Terminals
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- Bausch + Lomb
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- Buhma Stemra
- Cargill
- CRI Catalyst Company Belgium
- Volksbank
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- Delta Lloyd
- Delta wonen
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- Dura Vermeer
- ECT terminals
- Enexis
- EY
- Essent
- Esther Mollema HPO Center
- Etam group retail
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- Management Impact
- Maxeda/Bijenkorf
- Mediq Tefa
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- Merck
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- Nationale Nederlanden Investment Partners
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- Plastipak Packaging Inc.
- Pre wonen
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- Talking Results
- TATA steel
- TeekensKarsten advocaten notarissen
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- Brandweer Amsterdam Amstelland
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- Gemeenten Amstelveen, Amsterdam, Arnhem, De Ronde Venen, Deventer, Eindhoven, Gouda en Rotterdam
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- Hogeschool Utrecht
- iPH Institute for positive health
- Jeroen Bosch ziekenhuis
- Join Research Centre (JRC) Ispra
- Laurentius ziekenhuis
- Leiden University Medical Center
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Ministeries van Binnenlandse Zaken, Buitenlandse Zaken, Economische Zaken, Financiën, Justitie, Onderwijs Cultuur en Wetenschap, Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
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- Multiparty Democracy)
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- Wageningen University & Research
- Wallaart & Kusse Public Affairs
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- Zorggroep Almere