The senior partners of In Touch are the authors of the bestsellers ‘Stratego® for women’ and ‘The unwritten rules to boast your career’. They are also authors of the Dutch books ‘Onderhandelen voor vrouwen’,
‘Vrouwen bluffen niet’, ‘Sterke mannen slimme vrouwen’ en ‘Stratego voor vrouwen’
Stratego for women
Learn the unwritten rules of the game in organizations, become aware of your field of influence, deal with power, learn how to negotiate and reach your goals.
The unwritten rules to boost your career
A great read for both men and women.
Stratego voor vrouwen
The Dutch version of Stratego for women, check on the link to return to the Dutch webpage for more information.
De ongeschreven regels van het spel
More information about this book you can find on our Dutch webpage. Just klik on the link.
Onderhandelen voor vrouwen
For more information about this book return to our Duch webpage. Just klik on the link.