Stratego® for women
Monic Bührs and Elisa de Groot
This book was nominated management book of the year in 2008. Tens of thousends of copies have been sold and the book is not only a bestseller but also an ‘everseller’.
Stratego® is a game of attack and defense, of tension and surprise. Those who want to play that game will need to thoroughly understand their opponent. The same rules of the game also apply if you want to be successful at work.
If you want to use this game to climb higher up the promotional ladder, you will need to have a good understanding of the field of influence in which you find yourself, and, most importantly, be familiar with the unwritten rules in order to choose the most effective form of attack or defense well ahead of time. And that, for so many women, is exactly the stumbling block. Thy are often unaware of the rules of the strategic game played within – male dominated – organizations.
The unwritten rules of the game
‘Stratego for women’ shows these unwritten rules at work and shows how women can operate within them in a smart and playful manner. This book teaches how to reach your goals by playing ‘the game’ strategically and have lots of fun.
The authors have combined research, scientific literature with their own personal experiences.
E-book download soon available